Category: Environment / Energy / Mining

Government restores ESCOM’s Single Buyer Licence

BY JOSEPH MIZIMBE - Government has restored Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi’s (ESCOM) Single Buyer Licence which was taken away following the unbundling of the power entity which resulted in the formation of Electricity Generation Company (Egenco) and the now dissolved Power Market Limited (PML).

Ngwee Ngwee Ngwee Fund to improve rural electrification

BY JOSEPH MIZIMBE - Government’s effort to ensure more people in rural areas have access to electricity continues as it is implementing Malawi Electricity Access Project (MEAP), and the Malawi Rural Electrification Programme (MAREP) which is now in Phase Nine.

MERA responds to LPG suppliers’ concerns bordering on licensing

BY CRISPIN KASIYA - Suppliers of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and gas cylinders are complaining that they are required to apply for several licences if they intend to open a number of shops, and would like to lobby for an issuance of one licence for all selling points.

Sustainable use of clean cooking technology reduces carbon emission

BY JOSEPH MIZIMBE - Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) says there is need for concerted stakeholders’ efforts towards promoting climate change mitigation and reduction of greenhouse carbon emission. The carbon emission is produced by among others, cooking using firewood, charcoal and other unclean sources of energy.

MEPA championing the protection of environment

BY BROWN MDALLA - Environmental degradation has led to the increase in number of social challenges affecting people’s lives that might be averted if people had diligently sustained the ecology. Such issues have on the other hand, led to the loss of readily available resources such as firewood energy source, resulting to introduction of alternative energy sources such as solar power, biogas, windmills, efficient cooking technologies among others.

Soche Mountain hike that tells a sad story and proposes remedy

BY DAITON HAMILTON - Blantyre Malawi (28/07/23): The hostile weather phenomenon that hit Malawi’s Southern Region last year, leaving residents sitting at the foot of Soche Hill desolate, did not only leave a history of climate induced disaster difficult to forget, but also curved a currently dried water stream path through which visitors are now trekking up and down the hill to learn and understand what really happened on that dreadful day.